A Project on a solid base: Prefa builds the foundations of a new housing development in Colombia
New contract | News | Project
As confirmation of our leading place in the prefabricated solutions sector, Buen Vivir Construcciones, a construction company with over 14 years of experience, has awarded Prefa the contract for the Bonaire project, a residential club of 6 tower buildings located west of the city of Bogota.
Our innovation and the quality of our technical proposals which we develop according to the requirements of each client were the differentials that made us stand out during the bid process and enabled us to be awarded the project. Constructora Buen Vivir had initially considered a solution involving the use of bored piles, with a diameter of 0.5 and a depth of 62 m. We proposed an alternative of driven piles which could minimise construction risks and optimise client resources and execution time.
Thanks to our experience and the backing of Empresarial Group, we will become a partner of Buen Vivir Construcciones for the foundations of the residential club, in which we will use 75,684ml of piles, representing 7,864m3 of concrete and 1,428 units of driven piles. This project, that has just begun, will enable us to use 2 teams and to keep the prefabrication plant fully occupied for 5 months. An additional 20 colleagues will join the team, which will no doubt guarantee the success of the works.
It is a matter of great joy for all of us to be beginning the second half of the year with this news, since, despite the situation currently facing the world, we continue to demonstrate that effort, discipline, unity and teamwork are the key to coping with new challenges.
During this year, we have succeeded in being awarded 3 major projects: Entreverde, Granada, Mediterraneo and now Bonaire, making Prefa the number one solution for foundations in Colombia.

Who is Prefa ?
Prefa is one of the four brands of the Soletanche Bachy group in Colombia and is dedicated to prefabricated solutions. Prefa has an industrialized plant located in Bogotá, with an annual installed capacity of 85,000 m3, which manufactures reinforced concrete elements, piles (prestressed and reinforced), screens (Hincasol, Panasol and CZ-SOL), beams and pre-slabs, integrated systems, prefabricated structures, pipes and road infrastructure, optimal for maritime works, underground networks and all types of structures.
With an in-house Technical Department, Prefa is able to innovate permanently, develop new products and use diverse materials, contributing to the optimization of costs, while maintaining quality.