Soletanche Bachy, world leader in foundations and soil technologies
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Bridge over the Wouri river, Cameroon2023-08-11T17:55:04+02:00

Project Description

Context of the project

The existing bridge, which links Bonabéri to Douala, was built in the 1950’s. Despite recent restoration works, the structure becomes obsolete and undersized, generating important traffic problems. The new bridge will enable to secure and improve the traffic flow on this critical roadway for the Cameroonian economy.

Description of the project

Awarded to a joint venture that includes Soletanche Bachy, the design-build project involves a gently curved 760 metre long structure comprising a six-lane road deck and a twin-track railway deck. The decks, with 135 metre spans, are made up of arch segments cast in place and will constitute a technical benchmark.

Our solution

The two decks rest on five single-beam piers set in the river. They supported by fifty 2.5 metre diameter injected piles anchored at a depth of nearly 70 metres. The land foundations, with a depth of about 45 metres, will consist of forty 1.5 metre diameter piles.

Type of project:





Subsidiary of Soletanche Bachy:

Soletanche Bachy International

Project owner:

Cameroon Ministries of Procurement Contract

Prime contractor:

Louis Berger & Sept


Soletanche Bachy International – Sogea-Satom

Works period:

02/2013 – 04/2017

Types of techniques:

Icon bored piles

Bored piles

Key figures of the project

large diameter piles

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