Soletanche Bachy, world leader in foundations and soil technologies
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Marché Neuf car park, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France2023-09-07T09:57:43+02:00

Project Description

Context of the project

This project will allow the transfer of the place du Marché Neuf surface parking facility to a 5-basement level underground car park with space for 410 vehicles.

Description of the project

The width of this 70m long structure varies from 30 to 42m. It comprises two 15m wide bays providing a central traffic lane with angled parking spaces off either side. The 2 bays are separated by a single row of round columns for user safety and convenience.

Our solution

Retaining structure – earthworks

The upper levels were constructed inside a retaining wall installed before the earthworks were commenced. This 7m deep wall consists of metal stanchions anchored into bored piles. During the earthworks, the stanchions are supported by 7m long nails while the ground between the stanchions is supported using timber lagging. The lower levels were constructed inside a nailed shotcrete wall constructed progressively as excavation work advanced

Internal structure

The internal structure was built from the bottom up:

  • the foundations were laid followed by construction of the central row of columns,
  • the beams and the floors were then constructed.

The 15m prefabricated honeycomb slab floors rest on a bearing structure anchored into the walls and tied into the row of columns. Traditional formwork was used for the up and down rotunda.

The upper slab is constructed using 15t prefabricated beams and prestressed floor support slabs.

Type of project:

Car park

Car park



Subsidiary of Soletanche Bachy:

Project owner:

QPARK France (Saint Germain stationnement S.A.S.)

Prime contractor:

Cabinet Thierry Beaulieu

Works period:

04/2005 – 05/2007

Types of techniques:

Retaining wall

Retaining wall

Civil engineering

Civil engineering

Key figures of the project

of earthworks

Related techniques

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