Soletanche Bachy, world leader in foundations and soil technologies
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Express Rail Link (XRL), Hong Kong2023-08-11T17:59:20+02:00

Project Description

Context of the project

This high-speed train line connects Hong Kong with Guangzhou in 48 minutes.

Description of the project

Bachy Soletanche Group Limited was part of the integrated consortium which was awarded Contract 811 A (Express Rail Link). The scope of works comprises the construction of a 300 metre long cut-and-cover tunnel in a dense urban environment.

Our solution

During the first phase, advanced utility and traffic diversion works were completed. In particular, a viaduct was completely dismantled and rebuilt at a different location. In the second phase, the geotechnical works which comprised an excavation of a 240,000 cu. metre “box” of 30 deep metre, was carried out. The third and last phase consisted in building the permanent reinforced concrete underground structure inside the diaphragm wall and a building to accommodate the mechanical and electrical rooms. The main technical difficulty of the project lies with the crossing of the existing metro line. This imposes a very specific sequence of works and limits the allowable settlement and displacements.

The existing line being founded on barrettes socketed into the rock, BSGL has proposed to re-use them to support the newly built structure. The final task, the load transfer from the old to the new structure, was a very delicate operation.

Type of project:

Railway infrastructure

Railway infrastructure



Subsidiary of Soletanche Bachy: 

Project owner:

Prime contractor:


Bachy Soletanche Group Limited – Laing O’Rourke

Works period:

03/2010 – 04/2016

Types of techniques:

Icon diaphragm wall

Diaphragm wall

Icon barrettes


Key figures of the project

of cut-and-cover tunnel

Related techniques

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