Soletanche Bachy, world leader in foundations and soil technologies
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Ground improvement2023-11-08T16:35:24+01:00

Project Description

We ensure the durability of your structures.

Soletanche Bachy’s ground improvement techniques enable us to modify the characteristics of a soil to increase its load-bearing capacity, even on poor quality soils and in seismic areas.

These techniques also make it possible to harmonise the load-bearing capacity of different areas of a site. Finally, they help to reduce settlements and liquefaction of the soil in the event of an earthquake. For certain projects that do not require very strong ground anchorage, such as hangars or warehouses, ground improvement can provide an alternative to deep foundations. But on other worksites, particularly structures generating significant loads and forces, it can be effectively combined with deep foundations to provide the required load-bearing conditions.

Biocalcis®, Ground improvement through a natural process.

Biocalcis® is an innovative biotechnology developed by Soletanche Bachy  that imitates natural calcification processes to cement the ground in place while maintaining its initial porosity. The aim of this natural biocimentation is to improve the mechanical properties of the soil.

This process offers real environmental benefits: the mechanical strength of the soil is increased, but the soil is not waterproofed, which reduces soil artificialization. In addition, the carbon footprint is greatly reduced, as no high-carbon cement-based materials are used.

Deep Soil Mixing, An ecological and economic solution to reinforce soils.

Soletanche Bachy has mastered this family of technical processes, which involve mechanically mixing the soil in situ with an added material, usually a hydraulic binder.

This environmentally friendly technique has numerous advantages:

  • Less consumption of natural resources (water, cement, etc.)
  • Little or no excavated material to dispose of
  • Neutralization of soil pollution

Ground improvement processes

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