Strong Soletanche Bachy presence at ECSMGE 24 conference in Lisbon
The 18ème edition of the European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE 24) took place from August 26 to 30 in Lisbon. Plenary presentations, technical papers, posters, committees, a dedicated stand: Soletanche Bachy employees were everywhere! They showcased our company’s know-how and technical expertise at this major event in our sector.
Every 4 years, the ECSMGE conference brings together Europe’s leading players in the ground engineering sector. For the 2024 edition, in Lisbon, the theme was “Cchallenges of geotechnical engineering to meet current and emerging society needs”. Over 1,200 people attended this major event for our profession.
As a world leader in foundations and soil technologies, Soletanche Bachy was present and even sponsored the event. This commitment translated into a high level of visibility, including a dedicated stand, posters, participation in several technical committees, as well as numerous plenary speeches and presentations of technical papers.

Rodio Portugal / Rodio Kronsa (Spain)
- Earth retaining structures in the form of diaphragm walls and their application in Liberdade underground station (Carlos Henrique Costa, Ana Teresa Rodrigues, Marcelo Fernandes, Jose Luis Arcos)
- Design and execution of retaining walls using the reinforced jet grouting technique (Jose Luis Arcos, Rafael Gil, Juan Manuel Dimas, Monica Segovia)
Zetas (Turkey)
- Design, construction and monitoring phases of a diaphragm wall shoring application near the Golden Horn (Önder Akçakal, Canberk Acar, Numan Velioğlu, Ogan Sevim)
SBR (Romania)
- Digital transformation in geotechnical engineering (Alexandru Măgureanu, Lorand Sata)
- Geotechnical works for an underground electric power station, in Bucharest (Daniel Ciumeică, Andreea-Evelin Popa, Lorand Sata)
- Secant piles pit enclosure made with deep soil mixing (Adina Boureanu, Daniel Ciumeică, Alexandru Măgureanu, Lorand Sata)
- Circular diaphragm wall for a deep shaft (Daniel Ciumeică, Alexandru Măgureanu, Lorand Sata)
Soletanche Bachy Group
- Biocementation treatment of a Portuguese motorway slope to prevent ravine formation (Leslie Sapin, Annette Esnault-Fillet – Soletanche Bachy Groupe, Ana Teresa Rodrigues, Bruno Anjos – Rodio Portugal)
- 10 years of carbon calculator use: what have we learned for the future? (Ayelen Ottaviani)
Soletanche Bachy was also able to count on representatives from Bachy Soletanche Ltd (UK) and Soletanche Polska (Poland) to be present on the stand.
Further demonstrating the recognition of our technical expertise, Juan Paulin Aguirre, Engineering Director for Soletanche Bachy’s Ibero-America zone, co-chaired the plenary session on “How AI and IoT are transforming geotechnical site monitoring and construction”.
To round off the event, Serge Borel, Soletanche Bachy’s Executive Vice President in charge of the Technical Division, addressed the plenary session in his capacity as President of EFFC (European Federation of Foundations Contractors). He developed his vision on “The challenges of underground spaces in the cities of the future – Geotechnical construction beyond technical challenges: the future is now!”
See you in 2028 in Istanbul for the next edition!